Thursday, February 10, 2011

Works in Progress...

Here are a couple of paintings in progress...
This painting is not yet titled.  It depicts a Hurricane Katrina victim's creative shoes. 

This painting is not yet titled.  It depicts the moments after a waterbirth.  I'm fascinated by waterbirthing.  Its just so much more beautiful than the hospital birth environment.  Don't get me wrong, though.  Birth is what it is. A miracle.. no matter which route you take to get there.

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Thursday, February 3, 2011


  After what seemed like a long January, I finally finished my portfolio for my USC application.  Honestly, it was a miracle.  Just ask my mom, lol.  I've never really been able to finish projects quickly, and this was no ordinary project.  I had to put together a portfolio of at least 10 pieces, and since I had procrastinated, I only had a month to do it.  According to my track record, it was impossible.  But with God, all things are possible, and He sure delivered on that promise!  I finished without a day more to spare, but I finished well.  Yes, I felt stressed out at times, but thinking about the fact that only a miracle could get me through it actually lifted the burden off my shoulders.  Yes, I had to do the work, but He provided the wisdom and grace to actually get it done

  One example of His guidance was when I had just finished a major piece.  It had taken a lot of work and time and I had 3 significant pieces to finish in not much time.  I asked him to give me a strategy.. and he did.  I just felt Him saying that I should work on the pieces that needed less work, and leave the one that needed the most work for last.  Not really my usually plan of attack, but I did it anyways.  And when I was almost done with the second one, I realized that the third painting didn't even qualify for the portfolio!!!  Imagine if I had spent all that time working on a piece that could not be included?!  I probably would have had a heart attack, lol.  Or at least a good cry.  But God gave me the wisdom to know what to do first, and boy did it save me!! 

 So, here are a few pieces from my official USC application portfolio. I also hope to post new paintings soon.  I have one in the works that I'm really excited about, so check back soon for an update!  If you would like to inquire ab out how to purchase a piece, please email me at Thank you!

"Nomad's Land"
Oil on wood
24" x 24"
Not for sale

Oil on canvas
22" x 28"

Oil on wood
24" x 24"

Oil and glaze on wood panel
36" x 24"

"My Mamita"
Graphite on paper
9" x 12"

Oil on canvas
16" x 20"

"It's About You"
Oil and glaze on wood panel
1' x 2'